Chapter 10

10th October 2016

The mind can think of only one

It has been shown in recent studies that the human mind is only capable of thinking a single thought at any one time. The mind is, however, capable of flicking at the speed of light between different subject matter, which can seem as though one is thinking two or more thoughts at once. However, the fact remains that we can actually only think a single thought at any one time.

An understanding of this fact can lead to an amazing improvement in concentration. During salat a simple method can be utilised to improve awareness of one's thoughts and to improve one's ability to concentrate.

Concentration during salat - a simple exercise and test

During salat one’s desired thought is that of contemplating the meaning of the spoken words. Being aware that multiple thoughts cannot occur at the same time would mean that if we have a thought about any other matter, then for that period of time we are no longer focusing on the salat. That is to say, at any instant whilst praying one is either focusing on the meaning of our salat (desired thought) or having another (undesired) thought, for it is not possible for one’s mind to have both thoughts simultaneously.

As an exercise we can try to focus the mind on the meaning of the words and attempt to exclude other thought. This can be done by focusing on the meaning of the words (in one’s understood language) whilst speaking the Arabic words at the same time. This task is in itself difficult; it is this difficulty that demands improved concentration which in turn helps to focus the mind.

Concentrating on the meaning/translation of the words in one’s own language works to focus the mind and to exclude other thoughts. There will, of course, be times when we lose this focus during which undesired thoughts occur. Being aware that we have lost the desired thought can allow us to stop, re-focus and repeat the meaning of the ‘missed words’.

If we focus on the meaning, thoughts will be either:

Desired thought = focus achieved

Undesired thought = focus lost

The ultimate aim is to maintain focus on the salat; however, if we have an ‘undesired’ thought, this acts as an alarm indicating that we have lost focus.

By using this exercise/alarm system during salat, we will be constantly aware of our level of concentration. Remember, to focus on the meaning of the words in one’s own spoken language is essential as part of the conversation with Allah during the salat prayer.

One thing is for sure: one is guaranteed to have plenty of exercise – five times a day! Utilising this exercise will improve one’s ability to concentrate immediately. Concentration will improve with constant effort and the will to improve.

Salat: A Mastery of Living

There is no other program, course, self-help group, yoga or meditation technique etc, belief system or religion that offers the clear and precise guidance that is available from Islam.

Application of the Guidance of Islam is simply mindblowing.

If ‘practice makes perfect’, then every Muslim has every reason to perfect the salat prayers and so attain the true benefit and apply Islam to his/her life.

  1. Salat is offered 5 times daily.
  2. Each prayer is almost perfectly spaced.
  3. The purification ablution (wudu) is a prerequisite of every salat prayer; the ablution in itself is the perfect time to contemplate the imminent standing before one’s creator.
  4. The salat is not performed until a clear spoken intention is made.
  5. It simply takes striving with intention to achieve presence of mind, for there is ample opportunity.
  6. During the prayers we have a minimum of four circuits that include a minimum of eight prostrations.
  7. If one is present in the conversation of Salat, it will have not just an effect but an intense impact on one's life.
  8. It is impossible to attain Ikhlaas (sincerity) and Taqwa (piety, consciousness of the Creator) except by praying salat as is intended.